Lesson 3 – Perfect Plants
Lesson Focus and Goals:
Today, learners will explore alternative art methods using natural resources. They will also develop their understanding of the plant life around them.
Materials Needed:
- Plants
- Bowls
- Elastic bands
- String
- Plant seeds
- Mallet
Part One:
Today, the learners will be creating their own observational plant picture using natural materials. Spend some time exploring the outdoor area and identifying the plants on your site. Discuss what the different parts of a plant are and what makes them grow for a Science National Curriculum link.
Part Two:
Introduce the word ‘observation’. Ask the learners what it means. Explain that to observe is to watch and listen to something in order to learn more about it. Send the learners to gather plant material such as flowers and leaves. Discuss the importance of only picking what we need and leaving the roots in so it can continue growing.
Part Three:
Using the plant material, place in a bowl and mash using a mallet, sticks or rocks to create a natural paint. Encourage the learners to experiment making different colours.
Part Four:
To make your own paintbrush, take a handful of grass and use an elastic band to secure it on the end of a stick. Alternatively, wrap string around the top which will create a different effect.
Part Five:
Finally, use the natural paint and handmade paintbrush to create an observational picture of a plant on your site. Discuss what they’re creating and how they intend to make the colours/design they need.
Explain to the learners that because we’ve picked some plants today, we’re going to plant some new seeds in return. Give the learners some seeds and allow them to plant them on the site. Discuss how to plant a seed and what it will require to grow.
Leave No Trace:
Before concluding the session, gather the learners in one location. Once everyone has returned take time to explain to participants why it is vital that we care for our green spaces and part of this means leaving no trace of our activity. Any tools/equipment need to be put away, fire extinguished, logs piled up, ground layer covered etc. It has been found establishing this routine encourages learners to have pride in the site they occupy and helps reduce the human footprint upon the ecosystem. Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories.